| Edit Table Plugin
This plugin allows you to edit TWiki tables using edit fields and drop down boxes. Tables have an [ Edit table ] button if preceeded by an %EDITTABLE{...}% variable. Each column can be a text field, a drop down box, a date field, etc. Multiple tables per topic are editable, but only one at a time can be edited. |
header |
Specify the header format of a new table like "|*Food*|*Drink*|" . Useful to start a table with only a button |
(no header) |
format |
The format of one column when editing the table. A cell can be a text input field, or any of these edit field types: - Text input field (1 line): | text, <size>, <initial value> | - Textarea input field: | textarea, <rows>x<columns>, <initial value> | - Drop down box: | select, <size>, <option 1>, <option 2>, etc | - Fixed label: | label, 0, <label text> | - Row number: | row, <offset> | - Date: | date, <size>, <initial value>, <DHTML date format> | |
"text, 16" for all cells |
changerows |
Rows can be added and removed if "on" ; Rows can be added but not removed if "add" |
CHANGEROWS Plugin setting |
> > |
quietsave |
Quiet Save button is shown if "on" , hidden if "off" |
QUIETSAVE Plugin setting |
include |
Other topic defining the EDITTABLE parameters. The first %EDITTABLE% in the topic is used. This is useful if you have many topics with the same table format and you want to update the format in one place. |
(none) |
helptopic |
Topic name containing help text shown below the table when editing a table. The %STARTINCLUDE% and %STOPINCLUDE% variables can be used in the topic to specify what is shown. |
(no help text) |
headerislabel |
Table header cells are read-only (labels) if "on" ; header cells can be edited if "off" or "0" |
"on" |
- Default for change rows flag:
on , off , add
< < |
- Default text for edit button:
- Set EDITBUTTON = Edit table
> > |
- Default flag for quiet save option:
on to show the Quiet Save button, off to hide
- Default edit button: Specify
button text , or specify alternate text, image URL
- #Set EDITBUTTON = Edit table
- Set EDITBUTTON = Edit this table,
| |
- Download the ZIP file from the Plugin web (see below)
- Unzip
EditTablePlugin.zip in your twiki installation directory. Content:
< < |
lib/TWiki/Plugins/EditTablePlugin.pm |
Plugin Perl module |
data/TWiki/EditTablePlugin.txt |
Plugin topic |
data/TWiki/EditTablePlugin.txt,v |
Plugin topic repository |
< < |
pub/TWiki/EditTablePlugin/*.gif |
Screenshots |
> > |
lib/TWiki/Plugins/EditTablePlugin.pm |
Plugin Perl module |
pub/TWiki/EditTablePlugin/edittable.gif |
Edit table button image |
pub/TWiki/EditTablePlugin/*.gif |
Screenshots and Mishoo DHTML calendar images |
pub/TWiki/EditTablePlugin/README |
Mishoo DHTML calendar README |
pub/TWiki/EditTablePlugin/release-notes.html |
Mishoo DHTML calendar release notes |
pub/TWiki/EditTablePlugin/*.js |
Mishoo DHTML calendar JavaScript files |
| Plugin Info
< < |
Plugin Version: |
18 Feb 2004 |
> > |
Plugin Version: |
27 Feb 2004 |
Change History: |
<-- specify latest version first --> |
> > |
27 Feb 2004: |
Added QUIETSAVE setting and quietsave parameter; image for Edit button |
18 Feb 2004: |
Doc fixes; allow edit button anywhere in a cell not just at the end of a cell |
17 Feb 2004: |
Added per cell definition of edit field types with %EDITCELL{}% variable; added headerislabel and editbutton parameters |
20 Dec 2003: |
Fixed bug where calendar did not work after adding a row (TWiki:Main/PaulineCheung ); added all language files of Mishoo DHTML calendar 0.9.5 |
Related Topics: TWikiPreferences, TWikiPlugins |
< < | -- TWiki:Main/PeterThoeny - 18 Feb 2004
attr="h" comment="Screenshot" date="1071361684" name="EditTablePluginCalendarExample.gif" path="C:\Data\MyTWiki\Plugins\EditTablePlugin\pub\TWiki\EditTablePlugin\EditTablePluginCalendarExample.gif" size="7823" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
> > | -- TWiki:Main/PeterThoeny - 27 Feb 2004
attr="h" comment="Screenshot" date="1078005196" name="EditTablePluginCalendarExample.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\EditTablePluginCalendarExample.gif" size="7823" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
attr="h" comment="Component of Mishoo DHTML calendar" date="1071361959" name="README" path="C:\Data\MyTWiki\Plugins\EditTablePlugin\pub\TWiki\EditTablePlugin\README" size="823" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
attr="h" comment="Component of Mishoo DHTML calendar" date="1071361968" name="release-notes.html" path="C:\Data\MyTWiki\Plugins\EditTablePlugin\pub\TWiki\EditTablePlugin\release-notes.html" size="10593" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
attr="h" comment="Component of Mishoo DHTML calendar" date="1071361980" name="calendar.js" path="C:\Data\MyTWiki\Plugins\EditTablePlugin\pub\TWiki\EditTablePlugin\calendar.js" size="45484" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
attr="h" comment="Component of Mishoo DHTML calendar" date="1071904206" name="calendar-zh.js" path="C:\Data\MyTWiki\Plugins\EditTablePlugin\pub\TWiki\EditTablePlugin\calendar-zh.js" size="1058" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
attr="h" comment="Screenshot" date="1077169619" name="ScreenshotEditCell1.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\ScreenshotEditCell1.gif" size="2017" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
attr="h" comment="Screenshot" date="1077169561" name="ScreenshotEditCell2.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\ScreenshotEditCell2.gif" size="3199" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
> > |
attr="h" comment="Component of Mishoo DHTML calendar" date="1078005090" name="img.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\img.gif" size="145" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
attr="h" comment="Component of Mishoo DHTML calendar" date="1078005104" name="menuarrow.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\menuarrow.gif" size="68" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
attr="h" comment="Edit button image" date="1078004977" name="edittable.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\edittable.gif" size="298" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |