Difference: TWikiFuncDotPm (13 vs. 14)

Revision 142012-10-07 - TWikiContributor

Line: 112 to 112


getExternalResource( $url ) -> $response


getExternalResource( $url, @headers ) -> $response

  Get whatever is at the other end of a URL (using an HTTP GET request). Will only work for encrypted protocols such as https if the LWP CPAN module is installed.

Note that the $url may have an optional user and password, as specified by

the relevant RFC. Any proxy set in configure is honoured.
the relevant RFC. Any proxy set in configure is honored.

Optional headers may be supplied of form 'name1', 'value1', 'name2', 'value2'. Do not add a User-Agent header, it will be added.

  The $response is an object that is known to implement the following subset of the methods of LWP::Response. It may in fact be an LWP::Response object,
Line: 151 to 154
my $response = TWiki::Func::getExternalResource($url);
if (!$response->is_error() && $response->isa('HTTP::Response')) {
... other methods of HTTP::Response may be called
$text = $response->content(); # ... other methods of HTTP::Response may be called
 } else {
... only the methods listed above may be called
# ... only the methods listed above may be called
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